There will be no use of corporal punishment here at TSA by parents, employees, caregiver, or child. If parents do not adhere to this policy, it may result in termination. Examples of corporal punishment are hitting, spanking, beating, shaking, pinching, biting, and any other measures that produce physical pain.
At The Scholar’s Academy we use positive reinforcement. This technique is used to modify the child’s behavior by reinforcing desired behaviors. We also use discussion and intervention, redirection, time-out, loss of privileges, and logical consequences. Time-out will not be used for any child younger than three.
Repeated incidents will be notified to parents by the Director in writing.
1st incident: Verbal Warning
2 nd Incident: Written Warning
3 rd Incident: Call Parents
4 th Incident: Conference arranged with parents, Director, and staff
Any incidents thereafter may result in suspension or termination from facility until further notice.