General Information
Hours of Operation
The Scholar’s Academy opening and closing hours are 6:00a.m.-6:00p.m., Monday-Friday.
Due to Covid 19, our hours of operation are currently 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM.
We are closed during reserved holidays as listed: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Day after Christmas, Good Friday, and Memorial Day. A day is reserved for advanced training and all parents will be notified in advance of closure day. A full week tuition will be accessed during a holiday week. The center will be closed on these days.
The Scholar’s Academy will be closed for listed holidays above and inclement weather. In the event of inclement weather prior to opening hours, parents will be contacted by faculty of closure. In the event that inclement weather during opening hours, faculty will contact parents for child/children to be picked up or check your local weather channel.
Holiday and Closure Dates
Daily Schedule
Varies by age group.
Hand Hygiene will be performed prior to eating, after potty, after outside play, and as indicated for healthy hygiene.
All classrooms will have a schedule of daily activities of learning and is posted in each classrooms.
Arrival and Departure
Our facility opens at 06:00 a.m., No child shall be left or dropped off in front of facility before 06:00 am. Parents or whomever has written permission from guardian is responsible for signing their child in and out.
Parents need to inform our facility in writing of persons’ that will be authorized to pick up child. Everyone picking up a child must show proper identification to a staff member before child is released.
We will not release a child to a minor or a driver suspicious of drug/alcohol influence.
Parents or authorized person picking up child need to ensure proper child seats and placed in back of vehicle, buckled up. We ask that you pay careful attention when walking your child in and out of facility. Always watch for cars coming around the building. We ask that you park in a parking spot and not in front of the building. Please drive slowly on facility grounds.
Closing hours are 6:00p.m and all children are expected to be picked up by then.
After 6:00p.m there will be a $25.00 late fee charge. Every five minutes after 6:00 p.m. will be $5.00. If the child is not picked up by 6:30p.m. We will attempt to call the parent or authorized individual to obtain the student. If no one is reached, the Jackson Police Department will be notified.
If parents have a custody agreement in place, TSA would appreciate written approval of the parents’ plan to drop-off and pick-up the students from TSA.