Meals & Menu

The Scholar’s Academy will provide a nutritious breakfast, lunch, and two snacks to preschool children. After School or School Age children will receive one nutritious snack. Breakfast will be served between 7:35a.m -8:15.m and lunch between 10: 45a.m -11:30 a.m. Snacks will be served between 1:45 p.m-3:45 p.m. and 3: p.m-3:45p.m. We will attempt to follow these meal schedules as close as possible.
Weekly MenuIf parents are late dropping a child off after scheduled meal times, then the parent is responsible for feeding the child a nutritious meal prior to drop-off. All children will be encouraged to eat their meals; however, we cannot force a child to eat if they choose not to. If a child does not eat their meal or snack, they must wait until the next scheduled meal or snack time. The only exceptions will be if the child must have food with medication. Parents are allowed to send a packed nutritious meal once a month for the child to eat. If the meal is not nutritious then we will supplement with TSA’s meal.
Parents are welcome to provide refreshments for their child’s birthday. All items must be store bought and not home cooked. There must be enough refreshments for each child in the participating classroom. Food items can include cake, ice cream, fresh fruit, cupcakes, cookies, etc. Party favors are encouraged for each child. There must be a two-week advanced notification to the director of classroom celebration.
TSA will have holiday parties throughout the year. Parents will be given advanced notice of festivities.